Individual project

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

The purpose of the work

Add information about yourself on the site (biography, avatar, interests, education and two posts).

Progress of work

  1. Changed the photo of the site owner to their own. (Fig. [-@fig:001])

Changing the avatar
{#fig:001 width=70%}

    • Changed the short description of the site owner (Biography).
    • Added information about Interests.
    • Changed the information from Education. (Fig. [-@fig:002])

We opened the work/blog/content/authors/admin/ folder in the home directory and made changes, saved them.

Editing information for ourselves
{#fig:002 width=70%}

  1. Wrote 2 posts:
  • for the past week
  • on the topic of git version control (Fig .[-@fig:003] - Fig.[-@fig:007])

In the work/blog/content/post folder, we created two folders: Last_week for a post on the past week and Versioning for a post on the topic “Version Control. Git”. We copy the md file from the getting-started folder and paste this file into our two created folders. Then we edit this file in the same folder in accordance with the topic of the post.

Creating posts
{#fig:003 width=70%}

Added a picture to the topic of the post about the past week
{#fig:004 width=70%}

Added a picture to the topic of the post about git version control
{#fig:005 width=70%}

Editing the text of the post about the past week
{#fig:006 width=70%}

Edit the text of the post about version control
{#fig:007 width=70%}

  1. After the changes have been made and saved, we launch hugo in the blog directory, go to the public folder and type in the following commands: (Fig.[-@fig:008]).
  • git add .
  • git commit -am “our comment”
  • git push origin main

Updating the data on сайте
{#fig:008 width=70%}

  1. Check the site update. (Fig .[-@fig:009] - Fig.[-@fig:0010]).

Updated website
{#fig:009 width=70%}

Two posts added
{#fig:0010 width=70%}


Thus, I added information about myself on the site (biography, avatar, interests, education and two posts).

Margarita Romanovna Shcherbak
Margarita Romanovna Shcherbak
Student of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences “Applied Informatics”

Shcherbak Margarita Romanovna graduated from grades 9 and 11 with honors. Currently studying at a Russian university. Margarita also conducts active volunteer activities and is engaged in self-development.